Standings & Reports

Scores for each image of each Entrant in each Section Competition are aggregated into Standings Tables for each Section within that Section.

Except for March and April, the latest Standings Tables are posted each month on the S4C website, normally within a week following the competitions. These Standing Tables can be found at

Within one week (often much sooner) following the monthly competitions, each Entrant for whom S4C has a valid email address receives a comprehensive report tabulating all the images submitted by the Entrant year-to-date, scores received, and any HMs and Awards. This will normally be available online. Each Entrant also receives an annual report of all images in the S4C database that Entrant has ever submitted and that have received HMs or Awards. These reports are to assist the Entrant to ensure s/he does not violate the Image Re-Entry requirements.

Hi-Point Awards

At the end of the year, Hi Point awards are presented in the form of Gold, Silver, and Bronze certificates to eligible Entrants who have accumulated the highest number of points during the Competition year; however, only the entrant's 12 highest scoring images are considered in the aggregation. To be eligible, an Entrant must have accumulated at least 225 points in E Skill Level; 250 points in A Skill Level; 275 points in AA Skill Level; and 300 pointds in AAA Skill Level. Multiple Gold Silver, or Bronze certificates are awarded if there are ties in the number of points accumulated. Silver or Bronze certificates may not be awarded if there are insufficient eligible Entrants.